The Popular Minority Report

EP7 Rob Taylor

Episode Summary

At the age of 17 Rob, had part of his leg severed in a car accident. The doctors weren't sure if the re-attachment would work but Rob's dad stepped in and took charge and the rest is history. You don't want to miss this episode as we delve into our first episode dealing with Music & Healing.

Episode Notes

Brad Marshall (BradskiBeat) & Alan Waugh (The Common Foot Soldier)  Interview Rob Taylor in EP7.At the age of 2 Rob would go with his Dad to his drum practice and it was from these trips Rob started playing drums before the age of 5.

With a lifetime career in music Rob has travelled extensively around the world; and re-located to Los Angeles for 7years meeting some of the most famous people in the entertainment business.Rob's philosophy is that we are spiritual beings living out a human journey.

Updated News (Aug 3, 2023): Rob's new book is out 'Mastering The Art Of Mindful Thinking'
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